Webcuts serves as a platform for high-quality, non-commercial internet film as well as for worldwide dialog between designers, filmmakers and the public. Through weblogs and communities like facebook or twitter, professionals and novices, enthusiasts, the interested and the curious can exchange their ideas, comments and thoughts. Webcuts’ aim is to enable young filmmakers to make international contact with one another. In Berlin – the centre of international art, design and multimedia – the work of professionals will be presented: Live on a big screen at the Babylon Berlin Mitte and worldwide via the internet.
webinale – the holistic web conference
Interface!Berlin e.V.
Sven Assmann (Chairman)
Simone Würdinger (PR)
Lützowstraße 106
10785 Berlin
Telefon +49 30 59 00 69 96
Artistic Director / Programming Sven Assmann email: sven.assmann@interface-berlin.org
Festival Coordination Juliane Springsguth email: info@webcuts.org
Public Relations & Media Simone Würdinger phone: +49 30-5670-1553 mobil: +49 162 3967533 email: pr@webcuts.org |
Business Contacts & Sponsoring media.net berlinbrandenburg phone: +49 30-2125-3131 email: peters@medianet-bb.de |
fltr: Sven Assmann, Juliane Springsguth,
Andrea Peters, Simone Würdinger
Eckhard M. Jäger