...presented by
Demoreel<br />Niels Jansson, Belgium

Niels Jansson, Belgium
Webcuts 2002

All News about Webcuts.06


Interviewing Webcuts at Radion Eins, FreshMilk, Bunch.TV und RTL2


Webcuts.06 "Official Selection" und Event

We get 131 participations of 177 movies from 28 countries. Now the "Official Selection" of Webcuts.06 is choosen.
The "Official Selection" will be shown on October 12th in the CineStar cinema.
Webcuts.06 Tickets here


Submission deadline reached!

The submission phase is over now. We starting the review of the participations and collecting the "Official Selection Webcuts.06". Thanks to everybody which submitted his movie.


Webcuts @ Popkomm Clubnight
Webcuts will be presented at the Popkomm Clubnight - read more about it in the Webcuts.06 Blog: blog.webcuts.org


14 days to the submission deadline!
We updated the Webcuts.06 site with all facts, sponsors and the lovely prizes!
Press release: Webcuts.06 on 12.10. in Berlin


We got friends on TV!
Why? The german TV station 3Sat will show a special about films from the net. In this special Webcuts ist featured too.
3Sat online (in german)


Press release:
Webcuts.06 � Internet Film Fest:
Call for Submissions!



Now we have the news as an RSS feed available too. A podcast will follow.



This year Webcuts will be supported by Infopark . They offer software solutions for enterprise content management, web-based information systems and portal solutions.
The Webcuts.06 site was realised by area42 using the enterprise CMS "Fiona" of Infopark. Founder of Webcuts Eckhard M. J�ger will represent Webcuts.06 on the IICO too.


Webcuts.06 goes online! Again we are looking for submissions of the best internet movies from around the world whether they are 3D, motion graphics, flash, animations or real film. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of September.

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