Webcuts meets Farbwerte

Worldwide Creatives are invited to submit a 60 seconds movie/video, which expresses something about the personal position towards Germany. All styles and techniques (live action, stop motion, animation) are permitted.

1. The film must be exactly 60 seconds.
2. The German flag should play a central role.

The winners will be presented in October 2010 in Berlin.

Entry deadline: 6th September 2010.

More information on Farbwerte.com

the rules

The small print: From all submissions, a selection of films will be chosen by the organisers based on technical and aesthetic criteria. A jury of experts will choose the three winners from the organisers’ selection.

You can only submit films for Webcuts that have been produced specifically for the internet or have been mostly published online, no matter whether digitally produced or using traditional editing methods.

Product advertising, submissions with pornographic, violent or otherwise illegal content will not be accepted.


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